It's hard to believe but we've been living in Germany for 6 months now. Feels like a good time to evaluate where we stand. Life is definitely getting easier for everybody. Kids are currently on a 2-week Easter break but when they go back to school on April 13, we are going to upset our routine again because I finally found a sports complex where the older boys will take swimming classes on Wednesdays. They had one class and it's interesting to see how different things are. The first stroke taught in Germany is breast stroke which was the last stroke that they boys learned at the Y. Nevertheless, Andrei is going to be in a pretty high level class while Ilya is "an advanced beginner" until he learns the breast stroke. After that, he might skip some levels where they work on freestyle since that's the one he already knows. We are also going to check out track and field at the same complex, and see if the boys like that. We now have pediatri...