Credit cards are not widely accepted. In Germany (and kind of some parts of Europe) they will not let you pay with anything other than cash. We've been to restaurants where bills come to 50€ and they wouldn't accept a credit card. We have gotten used to carrying cash which is funny because in the States we had one credit card for everyday use that we always paid off and it was super convenient. We got points and never had to worry about having cash. Checks also don't exist here so I have to send cash every time the boys need something at school. I am still not sure how I feel about it especially since the smallest bill here is 5€ and everything under that is coins (i.e. 2€, 1€ and cents). I went to the Home Depot equivalent today to buy weed killer and apparently weed killer has a season and right now is not it. They told me to come back in the spring! I really need some new pants and I HATE shopping but decided to bite the bullet so to spea...