We've been here for a year and it's been an exciting year at that. We arrived in the last week of October and settled into one month rental in a beautiful Bad Hamburg. Things got off to a rocky start with Anton's first round of bronchitis and the boys started school . Before too long Anton had another bronchitis but thankfully by Christmas it was all good. Our first Christmas was good and we decided to head out to Paris. We all had birthdays here and we love getting our boxes full of surprises every time, but miss our family very much. Last year, while convenient to have all the boys in the same school, wasn't ideal for any of the boys. So this year we made a change and while it's not ideal for me the boys are going to 3 different schools and they seem to be happy and thriving. The boys are still doing swimming and Ilya does an all around German sport - soccer. We've been to emergency room way too many times for my taste - bronchitis and...