All over the my F acebook feed, I am reading about the school year ending . Meanwhile, we still have about 6 weeks of school left. So I figured I'd do some more random notes but this time they all have to do with differences we have notices between American and German schooling . - First and most obvious one is that German kids have much sho rter summer breaks. It's only about 6 weeks long . However, there are longer vacations throu ghout the year. For example, E aster is 2 weeks long and win t er break is about 4 weeks long. -There are no crayons here - as in they do not exist. Everybody uses pencils and markers, even 3 year olds. This is more than ok by me since I grew up in Russia and crayons didn’t exist there either , b ut still different f rom USA. - Back in the beginning of the school year I had a conversation with a teacher who explained to me that I have to make sure that pencils are of the appropriate length. ...