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Showing posts from December, 2016

Extracurricular activities for 3 kids

For some reason, while I wrote this a while back, it never got published.  So here it goes ... better late than never even if it's 2-3 months late :) Why are extracurricular activities so hard to figure out???   Balancing out individual interests versus having free “boring” time and time driving around… Here is what we figured out so far. Anton, age 4, attends full day kindergarten – has speech therapy and swimming lessons.   He was actually the easy one :)  I am not sure how much speech therapy is helping him but we don't pay for it and he is essentially getting one-on-one German class for 45 minutes.  Swimming - he LOVES.  Andrei, age 9, attends 3 rd grade at German public school – on Saturdays Andrei has English school and swimming.   He will also have chess but we are trying to switch the clubs since last year he went on Fridays at 6PM about 15 minutes away and the timing was really hard.   This year we are hoping to go to the local...

St. Nick and parenting fail!

In Germany, St. Niklaus comes during the night of December 5 and the kids who put their shoe (just one) outside will get chocolates in the morning.  Do you see where this story is going?  Yes, we actually knew about this tradition and yes, I did remember the correct night because Anton's kindergarten made me go buy him nut-free Santa BUT for some reason the kids didn't put their shoes outside and we never filled them.  The morning of December 6 went without a problem but then the kids started coming home from school where EVERY SINGLE child had a visit from St. Nick. Lusha has decided that St. Nick is a myth. Trying to fix the situation, we decided that maybe St. Nick has  a"make up day" for those that didn't do it right the first time around.  Thankfully, he was extremely nice and stopped by our house nearly 24 hours after the scheduled night. The smiles on the boys faces were amazing as was the statement from Andrei "See Lusha, St. Nick is REAL" ...