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Showing posts from June, 2017

T minus ... leaving for US in 6 days

Andrei, Ilya and I leave for our American adventure in 6 days.  Chris and Anton are staying behind for a bit :) What still needs to be done: 3 dentist appointments 3 speech therapy appointments 1 reading therapy appointment Russian consulate appointment (apparently my kids are not my own - our last names are spelled differently, boys do not have "K" in their Russian spelling and I do so that needs to be fixed) - DONE, ISSUE NOT FIXED 2 regular pediatrician appointments - ONE IS DONE 1 appointment at Health State Office with one of the boys Birthday/July 4 celebration  And pack!  It's going to be a busy week ...

Chris and Russian poetry

Towards the end of the year, the school load increases and Ilya has had to memorize a significant amount of Russian and German poems.  Some are easier than others but overall it's not an easy task for him so he decided that Chris should join him in learning.  Enjoy :)

my cutie!

On Friday Anton got a new accessory :)  He looks absolutely adorable if I can say so myself. Andrei was a bit jealous but he is not going for a checkup until August. Ilya just had his eyes checked and he has perfect vision.


Last weekend Chris took Ilya and Andrei camping with Ilya's school.  We didn't fully realize that it's a whole big Russian event where people come from all around the area (including Luxembourg) and have fun.  Chris stayed up until 3AM listening to Russian campfire songs for 2 days in the row so it had to be fun, right?!?  Our kids went to sleep around 11PM, but apparently plenty of kids were partying it up until 1AM.  They had some kind of a Russian/German scavenger hunt which the boys successfully did.  Overall, fun was had by all including Anton who got to spend time with me and we even took 4 trains to get to English school library.  One downside was when kids came home on Sunday, they were absolutely exhausted and cranky and Chris left for Paris about an hour after he dropped them off.

Dentistry in Germany

While my memory is really fresh - German dentist is nothing like American dentist!  At least MY American dentist was amazing, he was gentle, nothing he did ever hurt and I was a good patient going to him every 6 months for check ups.  Here, however, things went a little differently.  Chris went to a dentist that somebody recommended to him and he advised me against getting cleaning because he was in way too much pain during and afterwards.  I went for check up but even that was a bit painful so for 2 and a half years since we moved here, I have not gotten a professional cleaning.  That's a story before the actual story.  Today I went to a dentist who was recommended to me through a friend. The good news is that I am alive; I was a big girl and did not run out of the room mid-procedure. The bad news is that I actually cried (tears running down my cheeks) and the hygienist apologized about 25 times.  She said "I know it hurts but I gotta do it." The ...