Last week was first week of school for all 3 boys, so before I forget I wanted to get it written down. I will get back to our USA vacation as well as our Ireland vacation and our spring break ... you get the idea. So from youngest to oldest... Anton did a really good job going back to kindergarten but he is speaking a lot of English to his teachers. Adjustment is a bit slow; however, he is having lots of fun :) He is probably in his last year of kindergarten but we will have to see how his "matures" this year because the elementary school principle has to interview him and decide whether Anton can sit through 4 classes a day! Anyway, Anton has a little more work to do this year as his is officially a Vorschuler and very proud of it :) He will be going to Vorlauf class 3 times a week where he gets extra German lessons, he will be going to to recorder lessons (not sure how often) and he will start preschool classes after the fall break in October....