German educational system is not for the faint of heart. Andrei is in 4th grade and we have truly loved his teacher and his school but next year he has to go a different school and we are currently in the process of trying to figure out what that school is. There are several tiers: Hauptschule (main stream minimal education and no future) Realschule (medium level from which you can either transfer to gymnasium oberstufe or get Ausbilding) and Gymnasium oberstufe is the last 2 years of Gymnasium and it can be hard to adjust to the level of work required after Realschule Ausbilding is the education that is required for most hands-on jobs (hairdresser, carpenter,etc.) Gymnasium (highest level of education). There are also two types of Gesamtschule. First type called IGS (Integrative Gesamtschule) seems to be the most similar to American middle/high school where all kids learn together but get separated into 2 levels for subjects such as ...