As not much is happening in this house lately, I am finally catching up on some events from December.
On Friday (a while ago by now) all 3 boys had Christmas programs at school. They happen to all be at the same time so I was running between the two. Interesting things that are different here - there were real candles everywhere at school including classroom for 2 year olds, there was also alcoholic glutwein, and lots of activities which included building gingerbread houses. Since I was running between 2 parties with Anton, Suzanne was helping Andrei and Chris was dealing with Lusha. From what I gathered, Lusha went through a couple of different activities and eventually landed in the gingerbread room while Andrei headed directly there. Suzanne was a very hands-on helper, in fact she was probably more into it than Andrei and was nearly fighting with the principal of the school regarding some candy decorations. There was also a concert the boys had a solo part reading a little poem about the Santa and the New Year. Very late night for the boys but an interesting experience for all for sure.
Then on Sunday we went to Saalburg Roman Castle and Archeological Park. It was rather cold so the entire place had probably under 20 people. It was definitely interesting and worth going back to when the weather is warmer. Saalburg is located about 30 minutes away from our house. The Fort is incredibly old and was reconstructed around 1900. It has the largest Upper German-Raetian Limes
in Europe. It's basically afrontier line which is about 30 kilometers long, and
"encompasses all of the elements that made up the Roman border
installation: Ridges and trenches, and the ruins of watch towers and
fortresses of different sizes". There was also a little museum which had ancient relics as well. It was a good museum with the right amount of interesting outside artifacts and the chance for boys to run around and interesting museum. A number of pictures were taken on phone and therefore suck - sorry!
Snacking at Xmas party |
Building gingerbread houses |
Suzanne at X-mas play |
Everybody scattering around. All I wanted is a nice family pic! |
Part of the wall behind my boys |