I can't believe it's nearly the end of November! The boys had their 2 week fall break in the last 2 weeks of October. We knew that we wanted to go somewhere pretty early on and we settled on Hungary. However, when all the recent issues in Hungary came up we decided that it wasn't so smart and changed it up to Legoland. That's about all the plan we had until 1 day before we left. About 24 hours before we left we decided to look on the map and plan our route - advanced planning with 3 kids at its best. I've heard of spa town called Baden Baden and thought it would be a good first stop. Thankfully, Chris found out some information and apparently, it's not so kid friendly. After that we booked a hotel in Stuttgart and decided to take the boys to the pool and then explore Stuttgart a bit. Pool as always was a blast. Stuttgart, as we found out, has a couple of interesting sights - public library, Porsche museum. Unfortunately, we didn't ...