Last weekend Andrei and Ilya ran "marathon" with their Ilya's school. It was called Lauf fur Mehrsprachigkeit which roughly translates as Running is Multilingualism. The sponsors of the run are bilingual schools around Frankfurt including our school Katharina die Grosse Schule amongst Italian, Spanish, and Polish schools to name a few:) I signed up the boys to run 900 meters; Anton could of done 200 meters but didn't. Adults can do either 5K or 10K run and again we didn't do it. Maybe next year? Ilya's school also put on a little show where they sang and danced. Oh, and unfortunately for us it was the most miserable (weather-related) day in over a week - it rained, it hailed and it was freezing. Andrei had 2 pairs of socks, 2 t-shirts, 2 sweaters and a jacket on; and Andrei being Andrei he decided to walk part of the way! Ilya's results - 5:49, 34th place out of 60. Andrei - 6:20; 25th place out of 66.
Pittsburgh marathon 2013 |
Pittsburgh marathon 2014 |