The older boys are back in school, Anton was home sick with a fever of 39.4C (nearly 103F) but is clearly feeling much better and will hopefully go back to kindergarten tomorrow. Chris' mom was supposed to leave today but because the airline changed her flight, she got to stay one more day so she is leaving tomorrow bright and early (5AM pull out of the house). Chris is going to US on Sunday ... Oh yeah, it snowed for most of the day today - absolutely beautiful.
I am trying to catch up on the laundry and get the house into some kind of a reasonable shape, making tons of phone calls to all kind of different individuals regarding different needs we have, create some kind of a plan/schedule for my/our life. I read about this interesting method of planning that I am thinking of giving a try - basically you make some yearly goals, then you make plans for 2 months at a time, and based on that you can plan your week or day depending how much of an organizer freak you are :) So for example, let's say I want to become an amazing painter in a year then I would make a plan for the first 2 months to let's say draw 20 works. Then I would plan to do so many during any given week based on my availability level. At the end of the first 2 months, I take a look and see how successful I was in accomplishing my 20 works and plan the following 2 months based on how I feel about my accomplishment and see if I drew all portraits, would I want to include some landscapes. It sounds kind of complicated but not really. No, I am not becoming a painter in the near (or far) future!
Life is more or less back to normal.