- I will probably never be a person that is able to sit down and blog every day. Just putting it out there to be honest. Sometimes I think that if I can manage to write 2 a week , then it’s all good, but I rarely manage even that. Good goal to works towards.
- Ilya had a bomb threat at his school yesterday. It’s unlike any American bomb threats because this one was un-exploded American bomb from World War 2 that somebody found at the construction site. Center of Frankfurt. Not your typical bomb scare.
- Ilya at age 8 wears size 39 shoes, not sure of the American conversio, but roughly 8,5.
- Ilya’s favorite foods in Germany - mozzarella (I buy baby mozzarella for them and they often have it as a side dish, probably would not have happened in US due to the insane price!), stracciatella yogurt (MS Word just informed me that it's not an English word - it's vanilla yogurt with chocolate shavings), tea, and white wine! He is nearly a pescotarian (vegetarian that eats fish) – he really dislikes meat and chicken.
- Yesterday Andrei attending a meeting with myself, his teacher, and several other adults where we were supposed to talk about how he is doing and how we can further help him. Andrei impressed 5 adults (myself including) with clearly expressing his understanding of the problems that he has and how he would like to see them addressed. He spoke for nearly 45 minutes (in German) while I don’t think I said more than 5 sentences.
- Anton, while I don’t always understand what he says, talks non-stop! He also mixes German and English words in the same sentence.
- Anton only eats meat and junk food. We can’t bribe, trick or do anything else to get him to eat anything “healthy” beside carrots and corn.
- It’s May 2, 2017 and we are still wearing turtlenecks and warm-ish jackets. The boys go to school in hats. Someone forgot to mention to weather gods that spring has come and nearly gone!
- I spend a decent amount of time waiting for kids in various places - speech therapy, Kumon, swimming, etc. and I read a lot during that time which is nice. Now if I can only make myself go for walks during some of those time, I would be a very happy person.