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Anton's class breakfast

Last Saturday Anton's class organized breakfast and before I forget I'd like to take down some notes.  

Anton does not go to local school, his school is in Frankfurt and also if you didn't know Anton goes to school for deaf and hard-of-hearing children (this will be important in a bit, also I will do a separate post on why Anton is in that school as well as how it's going).  Because it is a specialized school, children travel to school as far as 100 km/60 miles and that makes it really hard to have school friends.  Thus (I am guessing) is the reason why in the fall school organized family fest and now class breakfast - get to know other parents and see who your kid is friends with.

The school has a hard-line against sugar and because of that I signed up to bring bread rolls - I didn't want to be the one to bring the wrong type of honey or something like that. I guess most parents thought the same thing because there was a TON of bread products with very little of anything else.  The breakfast started with a couple of announcement which included the fact that if your child brings sugary snack, he/she will not be allowed to eat that snack.  Here is a problem though - Cheez-its are considered to be sugary and I even went as far as to send the nutritional label to school which indicates that there is no sugar, but they didn't budge.  It is really hard to find things without sugar and Anton is a not a type of kid who will happily snack on a cucumber or a pepper!  Lately I was sending mini hot dogs with a little packet of ketchup.  However, when Anton was making himself a hot dog during this family breakfast, the teacher made a comment that there is no ketchup available at breakfast and how ketchup has too much sugar - urgh!  Yes, ketchup has sugar but you have to eat so so much of it to consume any actual sugar but of course Anton is no longer willing to take his hot dogs for a snack.  I welcome any help or ideas in that department.

After announcements, kids prepared a little concert - kids played DRUMS.  Now see my point above - deaf and hard-of-hearing kids playing drums!  I know the reason behind the drum as opposed to the violin (or whatever) is so that the kids can feel vibrations but the parents are typically not deaf and that was a loud concert!  Thankfully it was pretty short and the kids had a lot of fun - each kid got to be a conductor as well as a drummer.  I have no idea why but I didn't take any pictures inside.  Probably because it was pretty busy? 

It was a good morning and while we are not becoming friends with any parents from his class, Anton is making friends and for now we are good with that.
The only picture I took at school


Plushtan said…
What a unique and insightful perspective on Anton's school experience! The challenges of attending a specialized school for deaf and hard-of-hearing children, including the long distances traveled, truly highlight the importance of events like the family fest and class breakfast. It's heartening to see efforts made to foster connections among parents and students in such a specialized educational setting...
Please keep me update @
Name :- Fake Tan Dubai

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