Wrote this last week but never published :(
My plan was to write about Anton and his school a bit. Or about how German language acquisition is (after being in Germany for 4 years). However ... life!
My plan was to write about Anton and his school a bit. Or about how German language acquisition is (after being in Germany for 4 years). However ... life!
- Last week Andrei was home Tuesday and Wednesday because the teachers held parent-teacher conferences for those 2 days and kids had no school. First time it's happening this way because in other schools meetings were always held either before or after classes. After having him home for 2 days and meeting his classroom teacher, I learned pretty much nothing new - his grades are good but he needs to talk more in class. That's what I got out of a 30 minute meeting.
- Friday Anton was home because his school starts Carnival celebrations early. Monday and Tuesday all the kids were home because again Carnival - Rose Monday and for no reason for Tuesday. Anton's extended celebrations continued into Wednesday. I am not a fan of Carnival and neither are the kids.
- All of this means that I am pretty behind on online stuff as well as real stuff life (laundry, learning German, etc.) I did realize that social media sucks up a lot of time and I have very little interest in what I see there so I am spending less and less time on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing people I know but there is so many ads and junk out there that it's a bit overwhelming. Anyway, yesterday was the first day in the week when everybody was back in school and I was finally able to clean up the house, do some laundry and paperwork, but Chris had the car so still no food. This morning I ran to the store super quickly to pick up some stuff because my cousin that I see once every 5 years (or roughly so) is coming for a visit from Russia.
- Because of rain, unfortunately we spend a lot of that home time actually at home but Anton really got into Perler beads and had been playing a lot of Lego. Other boys played with their Nurf guns and did some Perler but not even close to what Anton did.
- The weather has also been a bit crazy lately and people are getting allergies with killer headaches.
- Oh and while I will write more about Anton later, but all over sudden the child is getting so much homework! Today is Friday and he has 6 pages to do before Monday - write 2 page of 'k', find and circle 'k' in other words, do 2 pages of math and write about your weekend. It's pretty exhausting to him. It probably does not help that he is either the youngest kid in the classroom or one of the youngest - cut off
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